Monday, August 21, 2023

Shalom, Shalom!

*iCommand My Day
22nd August, 2023.

He hushed the storm to a gentle whisper, So that the waves of the sea were still. Then they were glad because of the calm, And He guided them to their desired haven (harbor).
Psalms 107:29‭-‬30 AMP

Father, please hush every storm in my life to whisper and let the waves be still in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
I rebuke the ranging wind in my life. I declare that the storms are hushed to a gentle whisper. I declare over the waves -be still! I receive calmness and quietness over every troubling situation. From this day, the Lord is my Shepherd, He guides me to my desired haven. I  declare peace within my walls and prosperity within my palace. I receive peace and plenty alround in Jesus name, amen!


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