Friday, August 11, 2023

may I not be err in words or actions

*iCommand My Day
12th August, 2023.

Teach me thy way, O LORD, And lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.
Psalm 27:11 KJV

Father, please teach me Your way and show me clearly what is right for me to do in every situation and at all times in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
I declare that to me it is given to know and understand the way of the Lord and the wisdom of the Most High. Therefore, I walk on the right path for my life, career, ministry, relationship, business and every area of my life. I declare that the Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want, He leads me and instruct me and guide me in all my ways. I declare that I do not walk into the traps of the enemy. I will not be trapped by my words or actions. I always know what to do. I advance forward and upward only in the direction of God's will for my life in Jesus name, amen!


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