Tuesday, January 30, 2024

My little becomes a thousand times more and my small a strong Nation in Jesus name

*iCommand My Day
31st January, 2024

‭‭A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time. ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭60:22‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Father, this year, my little shall become a thousand times productive and I bring results of great abundance in Jesus name, amen!

*Declare the Decree
I declare that the seal of God's approval is upon me, therefore, I receive exponential increase, explosions growth  and influence. The hearts of men and Kings are open to favour me. I receive open doors to places and platforms of greatness. I declare that what I have called small will become a strong nation. I receive complete transformation and upgrade in Jesus name, amen.


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