Saturday, October 14, 2023

I Receive Blessings of Favour and abundance of resources

*iCommand My Day
15th October, 2023.

We didn’t fight for this land; we didn’t work for it—it was a gift! You gave it, smiling as you gave it, delighting as you gave it.
Psalm 44:3 MSG

Father, my eyes are on You and my trust is in You, please shower Your blessings on me according to Your riches in glory in Christ in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
I declare that I receive blessings of favour and abundant resources more than I could ask for, work for or earn. I declare I won't have to fight or  work for prosperity and advancement; I receive them as a gift from the Lord! I declare that my joy and new dimension of wealth and increase has come. The Lord gave it, smiling as He gave it, delighting as He gave it. I step into superior realms of favour. I enter the season of success that is exceedingly, abundantly more than I can ask, think or imagine in Jesus name, amen!


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