Tuesday, July 11, 2023

I am most blessed and I rejoice always

*iCommand My Day
12th July, 2023.

For thou hast made him most blessed for ever: Thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance.
Psalm 21:6 KJV

Father, I thank You for You have made me most blessed for ever and You have made me exceedingly glad with Your countenance. I rejoice always in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
I declare that I am most blessed for ever. The Lord has made me glad. My heart is full of joy. The light of the Lord's countenance and His favour is upon my Life. Nothing can steal my joy. There is no sadness, sorrow or depression around me. I am not afraid of the future. The blessing of the Lord is at work over me and all that has my name on it. I am strengthened with might in my inner man by the Spirit of the Lord. I glow in ever increasing splendor and I flourish like the garden of the Lord in Jesus name, amen!


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