Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The Creative and Innovative Ability of God is at Work in me

*iCommand My Day
10th May, 2023.

Who does great things beyond comprehension, wonders without number.
Job 5:9 TLV

Father, this season, let marvelous and wonderful things without number be my constant experience in Jesus name, amen.

*iDeclare the Decree
I declare that I step into realms of multiple growth and expansions. I declare that I do great exploit and still prevail. I receive great ideas, businesses, finances, relationships, and material and non-material things beyond comprehension. It is my season of exhibiting wonders without number. The innovative and creative ability of the Lord rest upon me. I declare I am a solution to national and international issues. I am a wonder to all, the joy of many generations in Jesus name, amen!


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