Friday, May 12, 2023

Above all and above only

*iCommand My Day*
13th May, 2023.

He sets on high those who are lowly, And those who mourn are lifted to safety.
Job 5:11 NKJV

Precious Father, set me on high and lift me up to safety in every facet of my life in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
Thank You Jesus for You have set me on high and I am been placed in safety in Your Name. I declare that I am sitted in heaven places far above principalities, far above lack and want, far above sickness and illnesses, far above ill spoken words and far above all the tricks of the enemy. I am safe and secured in Christ and by His precious blood. No evil shall befall me and no plague shall come near my dwelling. I declare that I continue to rise higher and higher. I go upward and forward only. I advance in the direction of God's destiny for me. I declare peace within my home and prosperity in my life in Jesus name, amen!


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