Tuesday, May 23, 2023

I rule over circumstances and situations of life

*iCommand My Day
24th May, 2023.

He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.
Psalms 1:3 NKJV

Father, let me experience increase on every side and bear my fruit in my season each season in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
I declare that I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper. Therefore; I began to prosper in all things. I continue to prosper until I become exceedingly prosperous in all my ways. My life is on cause and everything is working together for my good. I grow. I thrive. I rule over situations and circumstances day by day. I am above only. I am indeed the blessed of the Lord in Jesus name, amen!


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