Thursday, October 27, 2022

I live a supernatural life by divine guidance

iCommand My Day
28th October, 2022.

Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Psalms 100:3 NIV

Father, I declare that I am Yours always and at all time, please lead me in the way I should go day by day in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
I declare that the Lord is my God. It is He who made me, and I am His, the sheep of His pasture. He leads me in the way I should go and guides beside still waters. I hear His voice directing my path and I follow. The voice of I stranger, I will not follow. Therefore, my steps are divinely ordered by the Lord. He is my source and my help. In my life, there is nothing missing or lacking. My decisions are right and I live a supernatural life in Jesus name, amen!


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