Saturday, September 9, 2023

Show me what to do next

*iCommand My Day
10th September, 2023.

The way you counsel me makes me praise you more, for your whispers in the night give me wisdom, showing me what to do next.
Psalms 16:7 TPT

Father, I acknowledge that it has been Your wisdom guiding me to my best decisions all these years and I ask that you yet grant me wisdom and show me what to do next in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
I declare the breathe of the Almighty grants me inspiration for living at my best day by day. I declare that my mind is instructed. My hearth is wise. My spirit is discerning and my words are seasoned with salt. I receive the grace to be as wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. I understand the difference in situations and people and I always know what to do. My steps are ordered by the Lord. I swim in health and dwell in abundance day by day in Jesus name, amen!


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