Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Lord, Do not let me drift towards evil

*iCommand My Day
18th January, 2023.

Don’t let me drift toward evil or take part in acts of wickedness. Don’t let me share in the delicacies of those who do wrong.
Psalms 141:4 NLT

Precious Lord, please don’t let me drift toward evil or take part in acts of wickedness. Don’t let me share in the delicacies of those who do wrong in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
Father, You are my anchor and my boundary. Your word is a lamp to feet and a light to my path. Therefore I am an enforcer of the will and agenda of the Lord. I declare that the Lord keeps me from falling. I will not go astray. I will not be deceived into evil. I will not join force with wicked people. I will not enhance or partake in any wrongdoing. I will not be blinded by pride or my needs. I will not share in the delicacies of evil actions. I declare that the Lord is my Shepard. I receive the blessing of the Lord that makes rich and adds no sorrow. I prosper with integrity in Jesus name, amen!


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