Sunday, August 28, 2022

I Swim in Health and Dwell in Abundance

*iCommand My Day
29th August, 2022.

And let the beauty and delightfulness and favor of the Lord our God be upon us; confirm and establish the work of our hands–yes, the work of our hands, confirm and establish it.
Psalm 90:17 AMPC

Father, let Your favor be upon me; confirm and establish the work of my hands–yes, the work of my hands, confirm and establish it in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
I declare that everything committed into my hands and the works of my hands are blessed. I declare increase in turn over. I receive raises and bonuses. I make profit more and more. My coast is continually enlarged. My reach is increased. I declare an upscale and upgrade in productivity. I declare multiple streams of income. I declare multiple profitable engagements. I declare an enlargement in my network and networth. I am having my best and most prosperous time since the year began. Everything is working together for my good. I swim in health and dwell in abundance in Jesus name, amen!


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