Short answer: No. However, there are two prepared destinations. You are free to choose either of the two. But the consequences of the choice has been pre-determined or pre-destined.
Long Answer:
If God has programmed everyone to act a script He wrote. He should commend everyone - both valian and hero for doing so well. Nobody is punished for doing their job well.
The question/confusion whether God has predestined some for heaven and others for hell began around the 4th Century AD and this comes from the wrong interpretation of a few verses of the Bible. This verses are often read in isolation or along with few other isolated verses all taken out of context. The most quoted is probably this;
"And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified."
Romans 8:30 NIV
But the idea that some have been pre-destined to be saved and other to condemnation is simply not true. It is not true at all. I suggest you read the entire Chapter 8 of Romans and juxtapose it with the holistic view of the Word with the help of the Holy Spirit.
The said Romans Chapter 8 began thus;
"Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Christ Jesus [who believe in Him as personal Lord and Savior]."
Romans 8:1 AMP
The conversation began by detailed discussion of the new birth experience and life through the Holy Spirit. The it considered the present suffering and said it was nothing compared to the glory that is to come. Then he went on to say we are more than conquerors regardless of what we faced.
And so in context, he was saying God knew those who have accepted Him would do so and He made provisions ahead to justify and glorify them.
So, it wasn't that God choose for us, but our choices and the inclinations of our heart are not hidden from Him. Remember the devil? Iniquity was found in him and he was trown down. Remember the tower of Babel? They decided to build and God saw that they were going to do as they have purposed in their mind. Remember Daniel? He made up his mind not to defile himself. Remember King Solomon - at one time, his heart was with God and at another time, his heart was turn to idols. Remember Cornelius the centurion in the new testament, his heart was set on God praying and giving till God had to send an Angel to give him Apostle Peter's address. Remember the Ethiopian Enouch, he went to worship God and was studying the book of Isaiah. God had to interrupt Philip's Crusade. Made Philip to appear to him so that he may be saved.
This what the Bible says;
"I, the Lord, search and examine the mind, I test the heart, To give to each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds."
Jeremiah 17:10 AMP
If God waited for you to take physical actions before he countered your move, then why is He God? But He has standards. He tries the heart.
This word "tries" is what lawyers do in court when they question you and confront you with hard facts. It means that while you were busy sleeping - I guess, God called your heart to his courtroom and tested the veracity of your position. And He can tell with 100% accuracy if you will accept Him or not. The same way the devil looked God in the eyes and still staged a rebellion. That same way, some looked God in the face im their heart and rebelled. Bible says a fool said in his heart that there's no God.
So it wasn't God that decided for you. You already made up your mind. You were put on trial. The real you and you irrefutably picked a side. Another scripture to back this up and you can confirm the context of these scriptures yourself:
The Lord saw that the wickedness (depravity) of man was great on the earth, and that every imagination or intent of the thoughts of his heart were only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5 AMP
Key word: EVERY imagination or intent of the thoughts of his heart were ONLY EVIL CONTINUALLY.
It was at this point that God wiped out the entire race and preserved only one family.
Also, Jesus in many places in His teaching emphasized that everything whether adultery, murder, lies, etc was first done in the heart before the act. And that it was counted as sin when it was done in the heart.
So, God's ways are just. They are not hidden. And He is a just God.
However, what is true about pre-destination is that the destiny of the whole world has been determined in advance that means it has been pre-determined or pre-destined. And as individuals, our choices activates the pre-destined consequences for each person.
So the confusion of thinking some are destined for hell and some for heaven in grossly inaccurate. That will be contrary to the justice system of heaven and the holistic presentation of the principles of God. That will also make God unjust.
But this is it. There are two destinations. Both have been pre-determined. And both were not made for man originally. Heaven is for the Lord and His angels. While hell is for satan and his fallen angels.
Man was created to have dominion over the earth in partnership with God. But man is a creature of will and choice. And in the exercise of the will and choice, man has chosen to partner against God.
So iniquity was found on the earth and the earth was no long pure and it was doomed for destruction.
However, the indestructible spirit of the man will then have to be at one of these destinations - heaven or hell. Wherever anyone ends is a respresentation og every individual's express will and choice.
So yes, there is a condemnation hanging over the earth. Everyone is at liberty to decide where to belong by our choices.
One example is Judas Iscariot. The prophesy says that one who is close to the Lord Jesus will betray Him. It could have been any of the 12, 70 or 120 disciples. It could also have been one of the others who are said to always travel with the Lord Jesus or even among the 5000 followers who were always looking for Him and already understood His itinerary. But Judas accepted that position, activated the prophesy and therefore received a pre-destined consequence of his choice.
Now, back to the Romans8:30 verse, everyone who accepts the Lord Jesus is referred to as "the called" by their acceptance. Which also mean seperated or different.
Having been seperated, they are also justified (by faith) and then glorified in God's kingdom.
Let me tone it down a bit.
In Nigeria, if you pass an exam, you say; "I scored..." but if you failed it, you say; "they scored me..". Lol. But either way, they both means the same.
So think of this like saying those who JAMB scored aboved 250 are given admission, those given admission are matriculated and those who are matriculated are awarded a degree upon completion of studies.
The consequences are pre-determined but the actors and participators are not.
So, the verse under consideration - Romans 8:30 is literally the same as John3:16 - 18. Let us read both now;
"And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified."
Romans 8:30 NIV
16. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
17. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
18. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
John 3:16-18 NIV
So, John simply focused on the end results - eternal life or condemnation while Romans 8:30 discussed the process.
By the way, the writer of Romans8:30 was a Lawyer - the famous Apostle Paul and the gentle and unassuming man who wrote John3:16-18 was a fisherman. So you can appreciate the difference in conveying the same message.
Final answer, God is not unjust, His standards are not hidden or partial - they are the same for all. He gave us a will and a choice and He will not force Himself on anyone.
The position of the Lord has always been; choose this day - life or death. And He is always quick to add - choose life and live.
Blessings more and more!