Thursday, February 23, 2023

Anyone planning trouble, his trouble shall return upon his own head

*iCommand My Day
*24th February, 2023

He made a pit and dug it out, And has fallen into the ditch which he made. His trouble shall return upon his own head, And his violent dealing shall come down on his own crown.
Psalms 7:15‭-‬16 NKJV

Father, we pray that Nigeria be delivered from unreasonable, wicked and evil people and evil leadership in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
We declare that the reign of insecurity is over in Nigeria. He that made a pit and dug it out shall fall into the ditch which he made. Anyone who plans trouble, his trouble shall return upon his own head and his violent dealing shall come down on his own crown. Therefore, whosoever will not let Nigeria go must go down for Nigeria to go forward. There shall be no more bloodshed in Nigeria. We declare that Nigeria enters into our era of restoration in Jesus name, amen!


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