Wednesday, November 9, 2022

I Take My Seat At The Prepared Table

*iCommand My Day
10th November, 2022.

I pray that the LORD blesses Levi’s strength, favors his hard work, and crushes the insides of his enemies so that those who hate him can’t fight anymore.”
Deuteronomy 33:11 CEB

LORD crush and shatter the plans  and activities of those who rise up against me till they do not rise again in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
O Lord, bless my substance and ability. Accept and take pleasure in the work of my hands; Crush and shatter the  strength and power of those who rise up against him. Confuse and confound those who hate and wish me evil. Vanquish them till they do not rise again. Therefore, I take my seat at the table prepared for me by the Lord. I declare that I am unstoppable. I grow in light from glory to glory in Jesus name, amen!


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