Tuesday, November 22, 2022

I Enter into the rest of the Lordop

*iCommand My Day
23rd November, 2022.

So Jacob's descendants live in peace, secure in a land full of grain and wine, where dew from the sky waters the ground.
Deuteronomy 33:28 GNT

I declare that I enter into the rest of the Lord my God; there is nothing missing or lacking in my life in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
I declare boldly that it makes no difference what the situation of things may be, I am continually nourished from the abundance of the heavens, the increase of the earth and the treasures of the deep waters. I declare that enter I into the rest of the Lord by faith. I declare SHALOM in my life, my home and all that concerns me. I declare that I prosper in all I lay my hands to do. In my life, there is nothing missing or lacking. I experience rest on all sides in Jesus name, amen!


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