Monday, November 7, 2022

Helped Against Foes

*iCommand My Day
8th November, 2022.

Moses said this to Judah: “LORD, listen to Judah’s voice! Bring him back to his own people, strengthen his hands; be his help against every enemy.”
Deuteronomy 33:7 CEB

Father, please hear the cry of the saints from our land, restore our honour, strengthen our institutions and grant us help against individual and instituted enemies in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
Father, some trust in their wealth, powers, strength, connection and strategy but we trust in You Lord. Please, strengthen us against our enemies. Contend with everyone standing in the way to our advancement in this land and turn everything around for our favour. Therefore, I declare that we step into the prophetic destiny for our land this season. I declare that our darkness is turned to light and we make speedy progress in Jesus name, amen!


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