Sunday, November 6, 2022

I Overcome Every Trouble Of This Time

*iCommand My Day
7th November, 2022.

Moses said this to Judah: “LORD, listen to Judah’s voice! Bring him back to his own people, strengthen his hands; be his help against every enemy.”
Deuteronomy 33:7 CEB

Lord, strengthen my hands and help me against every adverse challenges and circumstances in my life in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
I declare that I am strengthened with might in my inner man day by day. My hands are made strong to prosper and prevail in every area of my life. I declare that I have a voice and a wisdom that cannot be resisted or refuted. I overcome every trouble of this time. I declare that my voice is heard and I am preferred. I am lifted by favour and grace. My horn is exalted like the horn of a unicorn, I am anointed with fresh oil. I shine ever brighter in Jesus name, amen!


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