Sunday, June 26, 2022

I Am An Expression of His Love

*iCommand My Day
26th June, 2022

O rarest of beauty, where then has your lover gone? We long to see him too. Where may we find him? We will follow you as you seek after him.
Song of Songs 6:1 TPT

Father, let my life be a visible expression of Your love in my daily life and let Your beauty on me draw many to You in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
Father I declare that Your glory covers me like a garment and the aura of Your beauty is all over me and follows me like sweet perfumes. Therefore, I declare that I shine forth and blossom with the knowledge of Your love and Your strength in me. I glow in the infallibility of Your grace. My light shine and men see it and they glorify God because of me. People experience Your love and compassion through me. I continue to flourish like a tree by the rivers of water. My life is ever green in Jesus name, amen!


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