Do You Want Your Right or You want The Mercy of God?
The Mercy of God is a fundamental underlining principle of the Kingdom of God. As Christians, we’re already experiencing a dimension of mercy in the saving grace of Jesus. There is nothing we could have done to deserve it. God through Christ has choosen to make salvation available to everyone on the face of the earth and we are privileged to be a partaker of this grace.
But please, understand that repentance and forgiveness of sin is just one aspect of mercy. There are a lot more to the mercy of God.
You see, most of us live in a democratic society where it is said that power belongs to the people and as such the people are entitled to certain things (which we call rights) and that the leaders are accountantable to the people. Afterall, the people voted them in and continued to sponsor their stay in the office through tax. Correct. 💯
The problem however is that most people have imported this ideas into the church and more particularly into their relationship with God. We speak of our RIGHTS in Christ and even feel entitled to the grace of God to the point that it is almost as if going to church was to do God or the pastor a favour. And the reason people ask "God why" and "God when" is an attempt to hold Him accountable. And it is very common to hear people say afteralll we go to church, we serve in a department for free and still pay our offerings and tithes. Lord I have done everything!😒
So they feel God owes them. They are entitled to His blessings and protection. When something happens or they need something which seems delayed ; they ask "God why nauw?🌚" Some even fired God in their mind. While others actually fired God and backslide completely.
But the truth from the word of God is that God doesn't have a problem giving us anything. As we see in Romans 8:32 - if He gave His Son, what else will He not give. The problem is with our receiving! The problem is we think we earned it and so we are entitled to it. We think we are doing God a favour.
But God is God. He does not need anybody to be God. He wasn't elected or voted and does not need offerings and tithes to keep His kingdom running. He owes no one explanations. He is not a Democrat, He is King of all the earth and Lord over all.
The earth belongs to Him, the fullness, the world and everyone in it. He made everything we see and do not see. He made us. We are His handwork. We are like clay in His hands and He made us for Himself.
Yet, when it comes to justice. He is just. There is no unfairness in Him. He will give to everyone according to their work.
But when it comes to mercy - it is at the Lord's discretion. He betows it on whom He pleases. It is not a right. If it is a right, which police will you use to arrest God and which Court will you charge Him to. Even if you can get judgement, who will enforce it. He is the LORD. He is the OWNER. He sits in the Heavens and does as He pleases.
Jesus told many stories to drive in this illustration but we will look at one in Matthew 20:1-16. In that story, Jesus said a man hired some persons in the morning. He discussed with them what he will pay for the day and their agreement was one denarius as their right. That is the equivalent payment of one full day. Hence, this man was paying at the best market rate of that time. Then this man went out by 9am, 12noon, 3pm and 5pm and each time, he recruited more people. With respect to the payment of these other ones he brought in later, he told them He will pay then at His discretion and they agreed. They simply trust him and worked for him.
When it was time for payment, He started with those he employed last by 5pm. They have worked for only one hour. However, he paid them a full day's money.
The people that started working from 6am were expecting more but he paid them based on their agreement. He gave them their right. That means he paid those that worked for 12 hours the same as those that worked for one hour.
When those that worked all day complained. He said; "I did not cheat you, I paid you what we agreed." Then He asked; "Is it wrong to do what I want with my money?"
This is how mercy works.
Truly, God is a righteous judge and you can be certain that whatever a man sow, that is what he will reap. God will never cheat anybody. Never. But you cannot look at what God does for another person and simply decide that that is what you should have too. No. Not like that.
He shows mercy to whoever He chooses to show mercy and there's no one that can question Him.
You cannot say He is unfair. Whatever you earned on merit, He will give you but if He chooses to be generous, nobody can question Him. The Lord God is very secured with Himself. A and B can seat on the same bench and He will show mercy to A in the presence of B and He will not be under pressure to look good to B. You know how we give something to one person and we HAVE TO give the other so that it will not look somehow? Not the Lord. He is not under pressure.
That is why Romans 9 says thus;
_“I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.
Romans 9:15-16 NIV_
Mercy does not depend on your effort or desire. It is at the Lord's absolute and unquestionable discretion. There is little our human effort can go and God will definitely reward you for it. He will give you your right. But if you want what you don't deserve, ask for mercy. It is not a right. It is at His discretion.
Again, I know that as Christians, we are already experiencing a dimension of mercy in the saving grace of Jesus. But repentance and forgiveness of sin is just one dimension.
Dear family, the Lord is not a president or the Government. He is the King of all the earth. He is LORD.
Think about this and from a sincere heart, just say; "My Lord, You are my King and my Father, have mercy on me."
I pray the mercy of the Lord will be at work for you in Jesus name, amen!
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