Monday, July 25, 2022

Who Told You That You Are Naked


The mouth, just like the printer, is one of the out put devices we have as humans. That means, it only gives out from what is already inside. It does not produce by itself. Whatever comes out of the mouth is only what is supplied to it from inside the person speaking.

And so whatever you are saying, as factual as you may believe it to be, was first supplied to you, accepted and then you speak. 

Now, every information is only as credible as the source. Never forget this.

Before the fall of man as recorded in Genesis chapter 3, everything man said was supplied from the Spirit of God to the man. So when man was asked to name the animals, it was like God saying "A" and then the man repeat after Him - "A". Even when the man saw his wife; the words he spoke were inspired from his spirit - he named her his partner. 

This principle is consistent throughout the scripture. Ezekiel said; "I prophesied as I was commanded..." Our Lord Jesus said; "I do what I see my Father do..."

The Apostle Paul says; "We have the same spirit of faith, we believe therefore we speak..." And so on.

But after the fall of man; man opened up himself to receive information from different sources aside from the Lord God. Man became open to receive factual information from his circumstances, environment, evil spirits, mental realm, other human opinions which were themselves inspired by other sources and so on.

So in Genesis 3:10-11, when man started saying things that were not from God, God had to query the source. Bible says:

"He (the man) answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.” And He (the Lord God) said, “Who told you that you were naked?”
Genesis 3:10‭-‬11 NIV

The problem came from the source of the information. Because the source also shapes the perception and suggest reactions. sometimes it suggest specific instructions like "run", "hid", "cry", etc. and other times it leaves you to your pre-existing fears or information. So when you hear a sound in the dark, fear is supplied and the other existing informations comes to amplify the effect. This is why the source must be investigated.

Also, we need verify the source because, as we said already, the mouth is like a printer. The moment you print, you make it permanent. So the moment you speak that which was supplied; you establish it and the more you speak, the more you reinforce what you have said.

In addition, the information supplied changes your previous actions and indicates a new focus. It is pointer to the reason for every other reactions. It is the basis for the change in attitude all of a sudden. The man said "I heard you coming as usual" and "But this time - I hid" "because I was naked". So the information supplied was - "You're naked". And with that information comes every other reaction including "hiding" and "speaking". And with those actions comes consequences. And then more actions births more consequences and so on.

Hence, the need to always investigate the source of what you want to say and why you do what you do.

Who told you that you are broke? Who told you that men are all the same? Who told you every woman is a slot? Who told you there are no jobs? Who told you God cannot use you? Who told you have gone too far? Who told you that you are sick? Who told you nobody likes you? Who told you you are not enough?

If that source is not God, no matter how factual and real it may seem, your reactions will be wrong. If your reactions are wrong, the consequences will be unpleasant.

It is time to stop receiving information from sources that makes you feel depressed and worthless. 

Switch to the word of the Lord. Listen to the Spirit of truth. The word says if anyone be in Christ, that persons becomes brand new. And there's now no condemnation for you. You get out of ugliness and come into beauty. You exit depression and come into joy.

No it is not the economy or situation of the country that keeps one down, we have people becoming millionaires every day in this same situation. Yes, it is the information you have been receiving and the words and actions that follows.

Dear friend, who told you that you are naked?

God Himself saw darkness and nothingness. He saw void and emptiness. But He didn't say what He saw. He spoke what He wanted to see. He declared; "light!".

What are you printing out on your life with your mouth and your actions?

Permit me to suggest you a new set of information: "You are the child of the King. And not just a middle child among 6 billion, but a beloved child. The Father knows your name and every time you speak to Him He does not put you on call waiting. He answers immediately. He has placed you like a seal upon His heart and He loves to hear from. Would you say something to your Father that loves you so much? Go ahead. Say something...

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