Sunday, July 10, 2022

Cleared For Rapid Advancement

iCommand My Day
11th July, 2022.

“The Lord will cause the enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way, but flee before you seven ways.
Deuteronomy 28:7 AMP

In the name of Jesus, I declare that everything limiting my progress, attacking my peace, finance and health be defeated and disgraced before me in Jesus name, amen

*iDeclare the Decree
I decree that I prevail over every obstacles and limitations. Everything and everyone attacking my peace, finance, health, family, ministry, job and everything connected to me are completely defeated before me. For each way they come against me, they will flee in seven ways. I advance with overriding speed and abilities in every area of my life. I go forward conquering and winning all the way. The path before is cleared for rapid advancement in Jesus name, amen!


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