Wednesday, July 13, 2022

I End the Manipulations of evil spirits in Jesus name, amen

iCommand My Day
14th July, 2022.

And when the demon was driven out [by Jesus], the mute man spoke; and the crowds wondered in amazement, saying, “Never before has anything like this [miracle] been seen in Israel.”
Matthew 9:33 AMP

In the name of Jesus, I terminate every manipulation and limitations caused by evil spirits and I declare that I begin to get results that were previously difficult for me in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
In the name of Jesus name, satan, I rebuke you and all your activities in my life. I command you and your co-horts to take your filty hands off my health, finance, marriage and everyone connected to me. I put an end to your activities and I declare that your influence in any form ceases immediately. I obtain victory by the blood of the everlasting covenant and I declare that I begin to experience success and increase day by day in Jesus name, amen!


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