The division of the Bible into old and new testament is a theological division for the purpose of better understanding. The entire Bible is actually one storyline from Genesis to revelation. But as the story progresses, the character and the theme of the story changes. Better still we can say the old testament is Season One and the new testament is Season Two. Some characters, locations, etc may change but its the same story. The centre of both old and new testament is Jesus Christ.
So, when you read Matthew chapter one for instance, the first few verses was a quick flash back of the previous characters on the scene till it got to Mary and Joseph and the Lord Jesus Christ.
The New testament continued from Jesus Christ to the Apostles, to the first Church, to the Gentile Churches and now those of us who are currently the living breathing walking representation of the Kingdom of God on earth.
If Jesus tarries, we will also exit the scene one day and others will carry on.
But for now, we are here.
And it is time for us to write our own "new testament" regardless of what point you are currently in life.
Jesus began the new testament from birth. Marry & Joseph began with their engagement and marriage. The first disciples of Jesus began their new testament after becoming career men. The Saul was a terrorist to the Church and when he began his new testament, he became Paul - the same Apostle Paul. Timothy began his new testament as a teenager.
So, wherever you are now, you can start your version of the new testament.
Your life can switch like night and day. You can be so transformed and everything about you can change. Including your name, bank account, personality, looks and even career.
The first step is an encounter with Jesus. No one was able began their new testament version without Jesus. It always and mandatorily begins with believing and accepting Jesus as Savior and as Lord.
Also, it means that whatever life you have lived before, no matter how unpleasant, can be conveniently and effortlessly left behind in the past when you encounter Jesus. Everything about you from now forward: your marriage, your relationships, your career, and all you are will also receive new life and a new purpose for their existence in your life. The life will come in like electricity and make everything glow with the glory.
Bible says:
Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life].
2 Corinthians 5:17 AMP
So, it is time to bless our world with your beautiful version of the new testament today. The story will not be completed in one day, or one year - just like Jesus had to grow day by day, we also must continue to grow in it day by day by following the person and the principles of Jesus Christ till we fulfill our purpose and leave the scene for others.
God bless you.🙏🏾
Happy Holiday 😊🎊💯
#pastorjosh #joshuaboyede #josh
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