Friday, April 22, 2022

I Remain Strong and Steadfast

*iCommand My Day
23rd April, 2022.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
I Corinthians 15:58 NKJV

I declare that I am steadfast, immovable and I give myself wholeheartedly to the service in the kingdom and my labor in the Lord will not be in vain in Jesus name, amen!

*iDeclare the Decree
I decree and declare that I stand firm, I am stable, and enduring. I live my live with an unshakable confidence in Christ. I declare that I prosper and excel in every season and in my service to the Lord. My work and service to God and humanity is productive with fruit that endures. I remain strong and steadfast in faith day by day in Jesus name, amen!


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