Tuesday, January 4, 2022

We're Reading The New Testament Twice this year - The Conversations

The new testament has 260 chapters, if we take two chapters per day. We will be done in 130 days. But some chapters are very long or just too loaded. And we would take them as one or even split it.

Also, I really want to encourage you to read the Bible for yourself, so the comments will be less than 5 minutes read and I will focus on one or a combination of these five:

*Personal development, 
*The person and ministry of the Holy Spirit, and
*Relationships generally

If you are ready, I am ready too and God is ever ready.

We begin our conversation on the New Testament in:

Mathew 1 & 2

I will to comment briefly on Joseph.

The character and personality of Joseph never cease to amaze me. In a world where women wasn't regarded with much value, Joseph accepted play a backup role for the most phenomenal event. Something our generation is still having a hard time with.
Also, Joseph had an advance maturity that is still a scarce commodity today. When Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant, he went through a shock, a betrayal, a heartbreak and all the negative emotions. Yet, he decided to move on quietly. No trying to get even etc.
Joseph had a very good relationship with God. Bible gives him a thumbs up that he was faithful to the law. I believe Joseph must have prayed and asked God for guidance.
And when Joseph received guidance from God, he acted promptly. This instructions cover major decisions and aspect of his life such as marriage, family, purpose, location, re-location. And he always acted immediately.
I believe that this is how we should respond to God whenever He guides us into what we should do.
This year, trust in the Lord, listen to the Holy Spirit and He will direct your every steps in Jesus name, Amen.
#pastorjosh #newtestament #citadelofwisdom 

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