Saturday, January 1, 2022

Hope vs Hope

Happy New Year dearest Family,😊

We are indeed grateful to God for the new year.

We are excited and full of hope as we look forward to an amazing year 2022. 

But there two kinds of hope. There is the hope that wish that things will be better but it is not sure. So if it works - lucky you. This is the type of hope that comes naturally with this season. This is not bad but it only last a few days before reality sets it.

There is another hope that I want us to have. This hope re-sets and controls reality. It is 100% guaranteed and Bible says it is firm and secured (Hebrews6:8-9).

This hope is based on the word of God and the integrity of God. So I want us to switch from the natural hope to the hope anchored on the integrity and the word of God.

For example, according to Job 1:10; God protects you, your family, your property and prosper the work of your hands.

You on the other hand, according to Psalm 1:1-3, should trust God and get something doing. There has to be a work in your hand that God will prosper. 

This is how we will become established. That's why Psalm90:17 says;
"May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands."

This is our path this year. 
2022 is our year of establishment!

You are established in Jesus name, amen.

Blessings more and more.

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