Monday, November 11, 2013

stay on the watch, something bigger is coming. it will blow your minds. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Wisdom, no doubt, is the principal thing. Wisdom is defined as the ability to make good and serious judgments because of one’s experience and knowledge (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 5th edition). Simply put, wisdom is the application of what you know. You may have the knowledge, but you are only wise when you can make good use of what you have.
For instance, as at the time I learnt about the keys and cords on an acoustic guitar and I can play any of the neck cords. That is I had knowledge of the guitar; wow! It was fascinating. But it however became frustrating when I tried to find another person’s key and tried to follow the person as he or she is singing. It took more practice and rehearsals. Hence the ability to follow a song, play the right key, the right cords and right progression is wisdom. And wisdom remains the boss!
However, confidence can make wisdom more useful or almost useless. Confidence is a feeling or belief that one can firmly trust or rely on somebody, somebody’s ability or something that is said, reported etc. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 5th edition). I prefer to define it for this purpose that confidence is believing it when the voice inside of you tells you that you can do it and you say yes! I can achieve it. It is also called believing in yourself.
I think it is clear that what am trying to say is that, you need a good dose of confidence along with the knowledge of what you are about to do or achieve before you venture into it. For instance, if you know how to sing and can apply all the voice technology, but, lack confidence, you will, yes! will perform very badly in an audition. And if you do not know how to sing and you go for an audition with so much a confidence, you will be disgraced out of the sage. The same thing for exams; If you have read and prepared but, still afraid and trembling, the result would likely not meet up with your preparation. On the other hand, if you are not in any way prepared for an examination and you came into the hall with full confidence, the examiner will also have the full confidence to give you a confidential ZERO. Keep in mind too that over-confidence can be equated to pride.
Supposing, wisdom and confidence can be measured in percentage, then get well above 50% wisdom and well above 70% confidence. It has been proved over time that a person with 50% wisdom and 70% confidence will perform better than a person who has 70% wisdom and less than 50% confidence. This is because confidence illuminates your wisdom and makes you look bright or brighter. But on the other hand, timidity makes you look dull and incompetent. This is so because you become nervous among other thing which opens you up to mistakes.
But, make no mistakes, an over 70% percent wisdom with an over 70% confidence is certainly the one who would be at the peak of his game. Therefore, I strongly advice that you get as much wisdom as you can and get full confidence that you can do it, you only need to try.
Confidence can never replace wisdom nor is it more important than wisdom. And also, wisdom cannot optimize its ability without confidence. Although wisdom is more important, confidence gives it the much needed boost to take it to the zenith. So wisdom is the principal thing, but, you need to be confident as well else it may be wasting or manifesting below its level. Step up your wisdom, and step up the confidence too. Nothing like it!
God bless you.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I'm not going to church because...

I love sundays. Maybe because it's a public holiday. Folks are always peacefully beautiful and its a holy-day.

But I don't go to church because I don't want to go to hell;
We settled that the day I got on my knees and invited Jesus into my heart.
As He stepped in, I didn't offer Him a seat I gave Him the keys to my life, all of them.
We sealed a deal that no matter what happens or what I do He must keep the keys. And we stamped it with His blood;
You are right to say I burnt the bridge when I crossed it and I don't regret it.
So I'm not going to the church to evade hell. I'm already a citizen of Heaven.

This may sound funny, but I'm not going to church because I need blessings too.
Yea, be it unto you according to your faith.
God blessed me with Jesus and the Holy Ghost-what else do I ask for.
I got Jesus, Jesus got everything-what else do I need.
By His stripe, I was healed and can never fall sick again.
He was broke, so now I'm boxed up,
He breath in me and gave me life! Life!
I got the Holy Ghost! The power and ability of God. The creative and creating force plus the anointing.

So what am I doing in church?
I'm here to fellowship with the brethren.
I'm here to get deeper insight into the mind of God.
I'm here that MY Jesus may increase in me.
I'm here that the Power of the Holy Ghost be refined and I'm here in the church that the anointing may double till overflow...

If only you understand Eph 1:17-22; you will never miss service for the right reasons.

Please Quit the ritual. God bless you.


My activity mentality

My activity mentality is affecting my productivity,
My busy body bothers about even the buttons,
My entirety base on priority is in dexterity,
As if going and coming is same as gliding and climbing.
Is this what I should be doing?
Is this what is due him?
Lord I trust you to guide me with your rod and staff.
On this I rely solely.
Thank you for guiding me.
I love you too Jesus.

Friday, October 18, 2013

I JUST SING! (Don't stay down, get out of that mood)

I JUST SING! (Don't stay down, get out of that mood)

While training Di-Ambassadors how to discover themselves I also discovered something new about myself.

Its a discovery, not because it has not been there remember, but because I just realize it.

Been predominantly melancholic by temperament, I could get real depressed after a big outing. Also my perfectionist tendency won't let me enjoy my hunt after it's roasted.

So here's my discovery, I could SING, so I could sing myself in and out of ANY MOOD. Meaningless right? Wait a second;

A person of my type may feel worthless, frustrated and useless after producing a master piece. Yes, and it's really bad that some even can contemplate suicide. So instead of this happening, I JUST SING. And that way I enjoy my spoils. Glory to God!

If you are my type, even if you cannot sing, play a hard beat or high tempo song like afro-hip pop, metallic rock, hard cord rap and so on. Turn the volumes all up and sing along not minding who is there or not. You may want to use an ear piece.
You can also fix your mind on the next project. Which ever way DON'T STAY DOWN-GET OUT OF THAT MOOD!

My Joke of the week (Akoko Adura-Prayer time)

My Joke of the week (Akoko Adura-Prayer time)
Since the 1st of July, 2013, the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in Nigeria has been on strike.

Some of us just choose to laugh it off with different concepts and ideas. Some have drawn cartoons, some did mock news and so on. My friend (Christian Sanni) shared this one with me and I did the interpretation.

Just feel free and laugh:

Akoko Adura (prayer time);
Waa gbadura (you will pray);
Waa pariwo toooo ( you will shooooooout)
Waa kigbe be eni ti won fi kondo lu;
(You will scream like someone beaten with a pestle);
Waa wipe (you say)
(**ASUU, what is my offence, leave my life and academics alone!** Prayeeeeer).

Oya! Yea! ASUU!..............
If you forget to laugh, you are pessimistic, if you laugh to forget you are optimistic...

Have pleasant day.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Mensa Otabil defines talent as resource that is invested into our lives for the purpose of yielding profit. Talents are your natural abilities which you were born with. It is inborn and everyone-yes! Everyone have some talents. These talents are there to be discovered, developed and deployed.
Identifying your talents could be a little tricky but all it takes is for you to watch yourself and be very honest with yourself. The steps below can help you discover those hidden treasures God has deposited in you from your mother’s womb. Remember, be open minded. Don’t read the steps with the aim of confirming what you wish is your talent. Rather follow the step, imagine yourself been spread out on a tray and trying to figure out the real thing inside of you. Be objective-it’s your life we are talking about here.

Step 1. Find time and think of what you love and enjoy doing and can do very well. What do you love to do even before you are ask to do it? What do you seem to be naturally good at doing? Something you do so easily you wonder why it’s difficult for others to do? What is it that when about to start or when it’s time to do it you jump on it and once you have started you don’t stop, in fact they would have to literally drag you away from it? What is it that even when they say ‘I no send you’, yet you go ahead and do it because you really enjoy doing it? If you find it-that may just be what we are looking for-your talent.
Note: this does not include the kind of ungodly pleasure you derive when doing the wrong things. It has to be something profiting to you and those around you positively.
Step 2. Explore and explore more! Find a place or environment where you are free to express yourself without the fear of been ‘wrong’ or ‘criticized’ or ‘teased’ and try different things. This is because you cannot know if you enjoy writing until you try it. You cannot know how much you would enjoy dancing until you try. Explore! Try things you think you won’t like, try the ones you have not tried before. It could be with friends you are very free with or you alone. Try dancing before a mirror, try rearing animals, try drawing, picture yourself before a crowd and teach them, or motivate them, or act drama for them. Try running, try playing tennis, football, handball, try cooking, try baking, try doing M.C.- just explore! You may not know which one would really lighten you up. If you love it, enjoy it and it came easy-watch it! That may it.
Step 3. Interest and attention. Remember I said watch yourself and be honest. So to discover your talent you have to note what catches your attention? What arouse your interest? What kind of people do catch your fancy naturally? Do you love the blue collar or white collar people? What kind of books do you prefer to read? As you flip through the magazines which one do you really feel attracted to? What subjects do you love talking about, especially the one that your friends would shout on to you to shoot up! Yet you are not done and would love to continue talking? What makes you very excited that you feel like carrying out of your love/excitement for it? What makes you scream-wow! Even when others don’t see anything in it? What is it that you can’t wait to finish what you are doing and start doing? That may be it!
Step 4. Ask questions. Ask questions from anyone willing to tell you. Ask your friends one on one. This is because they see you when you lighten up and get excited about some things, when they find some things difficult they bring it to you because you can do it. So ask. Then compile the answers you get from them and compare them. The answer you get are also reliable in discovery of talent. Most times there are a lot of things people see in us that we ourselves never took note of. But that does not mean everything they say is correct, rather they are just pointers. Compile, compare and correctly convince yourself.
Step 5. Also what people say or always comment about you is quite helpful. You don’t have to be seriously doing what you are doing; sometimes you may just be doing what you are doing even absent mindedly and not caring about what you do. But while doing it, someone would so love what you are doing that they may keep watching the way you are doing it. Some would just come tell you that they appreciate the way you do it. Some people may have been watching you for a while before they tell you. To you, you were just doing a normal thing-but to others it’s amazing. Some may even call you and give you ideas on how to develop it. You may probably be thinking every other person does it naturally too but you don’t know it’s always looking different to them when you do it- start to watch it!
Step 6. Help others discover themselves by telling them what you perceive is their talent. Yours may just be there waiting to open as you help someone else. Just like yourself, you may be sure of how talented your friend is in a particular thing and your friend may not have discovered it yet. Help your friend yours may be uncovered in the process.
Step 7. Be bold and have the guts to try. Most people don’t try because they don’t want to be wrong. They don’t want to fail. But, how would you know if you will pass if you don’t try. If you feel like singing-sing. If you feel like dancing-just dance. If you enjoy doing it then do it again and again. Talent is always first a raw material, you won’t get all the joy in one day, but that little you did will lighten you up. Also note what you are not so good at doing or you struggle to do. At least that will make you stop looking that way and also help you look in the opposite direction where your talent would be. Be bold enough.
In conclusion, if you find it, practice it more often. Even if you find out that the excitement dies off after some time. It will eventually pave way for the real ones.
It must not be only one, you may and should discover more than one because you could be multi-talented however you would also have a major.
Don’t be afraid or ashamed to admit you were wrong if you find out you were wrong. Follow the steps again and don’t stop till you get what you want-Thank God we are still young!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


(1COR 2:9-10)

Discovering yourself involves getting to know who you really are, your abilities, strength and weaknesses in order to live a purposefully daily and ultimately achieve Gods purpose for your life.
     People say a lot about themselves such as ‘I’m a humbly person’, I’m this… or that…, do you always agree that its true?
Tip: Keep this in mind; people always say things they wish they are or they think they are instead of what they really are. Also nobody loves talking about their weakness and they prefer to just ignore it and think others too will ignore it. But you know now…..
I have divided the self discovery tools into two; primary/independent factors and secondary/dependent factors. The difference is that, you can discover yourself solely on the primary/independent factors. While the secondary/dependent factors only help to confirm the findings of your primary factors. The secondary factors are not on their own dependable because of its sly nature.
Passions; and
Divine Revelations.
Childhood dream/desires/hero; and
Life Expectations.


(1COR 2:9-10)

The truth is that, most people who claim to know their purpose in life only have an idea of what God has in store for them. The Bible, in 1Corinthians 2:9, says But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. (see also Isaiah 64:4).
So those who have “discovered purpose” majorly discovered themselves and started living purposefully every day of their life.
SELF DISCOVERY, on the other hand simply means knowing yourself, your abilities, strengths and weaknesses. This will help put you on the right path to fulfilling your purpose in life.
For instance, I strongly believe that the purpose of Joseph coming to the earth was to save the Israeli Nation and the World from going into extinction through hunger. Joseph’s purpose was primarily to feed his family, Egypt and the World from starvation. [ He called down famine on the land and destroyed all their supplies of food; and he sent a man before them – Joseph, sold as a slave. Psalms 105:16-17] But, Joseph discovered himself early that he was destined to be a great leader and role model. He also discovered his administrative abilities as he kept his master’s house and even in Prison (Genesis 39:1-5). He was equally later endowed with the gift to interpret dreams. This self discovery coupled with his consistent and unbroken relationship with God made him live purposefully every day and he ultimately fulfilled his God given purpose.
That doesn't mean that you can know your purpose. Instead it means you cannot decide how it will be by yourself. A quick reminder of how to maintain a consistent and unbroken relationship with God is that you must connect and re-connect to God daily. The first connection is for you to be born again anew or re-dedicate yourself by accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour. While the ‘re-connect’ is to keep your link with God by daily devotion, prayer, study of the word and doing what the word says.
I pray you too will become a great leader and role model for others to follow in Jesus name. Amen.


(1COR 2:9-10)

Man (men and women) didn’t just appear on a worthless planet and kept wondering aimlessly, rather, everything has his own purpose for existence. The sun has its purpose, the moon, the goats, and the gigantic, non-complaining mother earth are all achieving their purpose. God did not take His time out of His tightly busy schedule just to create a useless thing let alone a useless man. In this same way, everyone has a reason for still living. Therefore the reason for God creating anything and particular you is the same as the purpose of that person. God, the creator, created every personality not as a coincidence but an asset from which He expect dividence.
It is worthy of note that aside from God having a purpose for our lives, that purpose which He has is a good one- yes! It is a good purpose. However, what you make of it or out of it depends largely on the choices you make. It is very possible for everybody in a class to pass a particular exam just as it is possible also for everybody in a particular class to fail. It all depends on the seriousness of both the teacher and students. God is ready to make you pass, so why not decide to pass and do what it takes to pass excellently.
The problem, however, is that most people don’t care to find out their purpose while others may have a clue yet live a life without purpose. My prayer is that from this very momemt you will live purposefully daily in Jesus name. Amen.


Don't Want to be Myself

All across the street, down to the media in my room,
They say if it feels right I can do it,
But, right there in my room it felt right just for a moment and then it felt all wrong.
“Be yourself” have been the topic,
But only doing God’s will can bring me tropies.
I was conceived and my Momma bore me in sin,
You see, the scene and place of my birth was not the seen but sin.
I grew up to understand sin without been tought.
I didn’t learn to steal before I stole,
Neither did I learn to cheat, lie and cover up with other lies before I became a professional in them.
But, I had to learn to speak the truth and obey.
I had to learn to love and live peacefully.
I had to learn not to get angry.
I had to learn not be myself.
Now each time I hear-“Be yourself”
I wonder which of myself I should be.
I remember who I was back in those wasted years; rude, stubborn, a liar, a cheat, a player, volatile, dangerous, and a devilish cool-calm-good-bad-boy.
But Jesus came; picked me, brushed me, washed me, cleanse me, hugged me, saved me, and steady me in Himself.
It’s no longer what feels right, but what Jesus say is right.
I don’t want to ever be myself again.
Lesser till none of me, and
More till all of you Jesus.
Even if I’m called the 21st century cave man,
I still choose to be ALL FOR JESUS.
oTwitter @Joshuaboyede

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Last Week Wednessday (short story)

Last week Wednesday (short story)

I felt much relieved after a cold bath. Stretching out my legs, I use one pillow for my head and hug the other one tightly like something so precious I don’t want to lose. As usual my ritual before sleeping is to recollect the entire event of the day.

The alarm woke me up by 5:30. Though I had kept it a little far so that I must get up, I actually got up and killed the alarm. I went back to sleep. By 6:13 or thereabout, I finally got out of bed and woke my roommates so that we could pray.
They had both slept on the bed while I was on the rug. The rule is, that the first to sleep decide where to sleep and the others grab the available space.
Sometimes one of us may even need to go to a neighbour’s room to pass the night if the available space is not ok for him.
Well I can’t remember if that rule was really ever made but, that tradition in my room could be said to be judicially noticed.
After the prayers, I picked up my guitar and started playing the beginner cords. I played from the G major to the D major and C major with a two stroke count each and a return to D major to complete the four music count and my instructor told me: “every song you know has the count 1, 2, 3, 4”.
Well Isreal did not like the beginner sound of guitarist so he left the room as usual. Some other days he will probably shout on me to stop the insanity before deciding to leave or put an ear piece in his ears.
The guitar is, as I have always said, my only girl friend and I call her – kemi. Joe joined me by singing any song he thought could go with my progression. If it is not flowing, he just freestyle anything – just enjoying himself warming his voice. He soon brushed his teeth, hair and slipped into a Pam sandals and said goodbye that he was going for rehearsals in one Emma's house who has a keyboard in his house. When I asked him if he won’t be going for Prof’s lecture this morning, he said; “hmm Prof no get our time yet, till like two weeks’ time. Bye.”

About 10 minutes later, I got bored and felt dizzy so I dropped the guitar.

I called Isreal's cell phone, but, he knows he dear not pick the call since he is in  our neighbour’s room. When he entered the room, I was already in the bathroom so I shouted to him so he could hear me above the noise of the water and he shouted back too. I ask him if he was not going for Prof’s lecture and his answer was in pari-material to what Joe said earlier. I got dressed anyway and off to school I go, I will rather find out myself than be told. And i was out by 7:58.

By 8:36 I was walking back to the room-Prof had not come as they prophesied.

The off campus room suddenly seem too far and I felt so tired and stressed out already. The lecturer professor Abdulkarim Sule had only thought the class twice since the semester began about 2 months ago. The prof’s had personally fixed the lecture for 8:00am this morning only to call the calls rep at about 8:15 that he will no longer be coming without any reason for his current decision. Disappointing the half of the class that took the courage to come again.

“Na my white shirt pain me pass” David  a course mate said, walking up to catch up with me just when I was about taking the corner close to the female hostel.
“Me too” I responded, joggling back to reality. ”I’m tired self, let me go home and sleep then later I will do Dr. Antony’s assignment.”
We were already in front of the hostel and he was stretching out his hand to shake mine, meaning he wants to take the other way.
“Na true. Make me check Veronica. Later man! No follow woman” He said.
“You too dey careful the kind of woman you dey follow.”
I snicked into the room, closing the door behind me carefully and quietly so that my neighbours would not know and also Isreal may not know.  The single room self contain was still the way I left it, un-kept and un-swept. All the same I slipped into my blanket and breath in the air in the stuffy room and silently wished the room will remain quiet at least for a while.
I have not even finished making the wish in my heart when Isreal bumped into the room so noisily that it irritated me.
“who enter this room?” He said; and seeing me he busted into laughter which irritates me the more.
“You no even fit pull your precious white shirt before you lie down for bed?.” He added.
“How that one take affect you?” I snapped.
He kept on laughing and I felt like hitting him.
“sha I tell you say prof no go show that background, you go dey form geek, wear white…”
“Abeg, shut up!" I snapped, "You way dey house, waytin you do, see plate, to wash no wahala, see food, to cook na gbege, tap no rush since yesterday, to go tank fetch water for compound here na jamb, you go woman room go dey watch movie”
“see what prof has done. Na me make you vex? Na me say make prof no come? Abeg no do any transfer of aggression for here”
Well, I knew he was right, am only pouring out a little bit of the frustration I felt this morning. After wasting so much energy walking and even running to school so as not to be late and also to find out that my roommates were actually right and I was wrong.
“Joe never return?” I asked. Calmly this time as if avoiding sorry but apologizing still.
“Na today be the finals of the Campus Icon talent hunt so the rehearsal for today na one with a difference.”
“Hope say you go go cheer am up for the show”
“Yes oo. You too?”
“I dey go fellowship now, abi you forget?”
“meself get where I dey go later today”
“joint things again….” But Isreal you suppose they reason this ……."
Joe bumped in smiling and laughing as he look into his phone. Something tells me Isreal was greatfull for that interruption which have just saved him from another marathon advice and sermon for him to change.
We are all use to Joe smiling and laughing into his phone so we all waited patiently for him to relax. He breathed in and out a couple of times to regain his control.
“Guys” He started. “Musty posted this on facebook some minutes ago” He started reading.
“6 diploma students in diploma II in Economics department went to their Dean and reported the level coordinator that they paid money to the level coordinator so that they would pass his course, but, that he gave them carry over instead.”
“Wow!” I commented as we all roughed in laughter.
“Some people foolish”
“call it self indictment”
“Wait." Joe continued "Check out this one; A Judge called the court register and ask him to call the defending lawyer who has earlier sent in some money to bribe the Judge on behalf of his client. When the lawyer came in, he handed over 5000 (five thousand) over to him. The lawyer was surprised. Then the Judge said; ‘I know you gave me 55,000 (fifty-five thousand) as bribe but the other lawyer has also given me 50,000 (fifty thousand) earlier so am returning the change so that it could be balanced and I will decide the case on its merit.’”
We roared and roared in laughter. And with that the mode of a proper day was set. We continued talking and laughing. I was already up from the bed, change my cloth and we all set out lazily to do something. We talked while we cooked, washed the plate and fetch water. We talked about law, music, celebrities, girls, and even meaningless things. We ate together, played cards and I later left them and I slept around 11:30 to 12:00 noon. I think I heard someone say round two(sleep).
I was up at about 1pm and still don’t know what to do with the about 3 hours I have before I initiate my evening plan. I brought out Joes’ PC. I was greatful he did not go out with it. I started to watch a two-and-half hour movie. Joe soon join me and since he did not tell me what will happen next, it only means he had not watch the movie himself. Before the conclusion of the movie, I had washed my faced, brush my hair, change cloth and prepare for my evening phase. I checked my bag again, my books, Bible, jotter and phone charger were all intact.
I wish Joe luck in his audition and in less than 15 minutes after the movie, I was out.
The evening went well as plan with very little and in significant distractions and disturtions. I went straight to the class, finished my assignment. What is left is to type and I can do that with Joes’ system. Then i went to the fellowship, checked on a friend and I got back home at about 10:45.
For me and my roommates, the night-begin by 11:30pm. So I was not surprise that I did not meet any of them at home. I was glad that to still find some food in the pot which I ate without warming even before going to the bathroom.
Now I smile as I remember that Wednesday will soon be gone in few hours if not minutes. In my mind, I draw a skeletal picture of my schedules for tomorrow. I will add flesh to it in the morning.
For my roommates, we have a lot in common and so do we have a lot not in common. The three of us came to this school about four years ago like tabular rasa, now as semi-finalist, its like we have chosen our parts already. I love the  church and the academic field and do not care much about my music even though I can sing and play about 3 instruments. Joe love music and do not care much about academics even though he is intelligent. However, Isreal who should have being the smartest of the three of us because of his earlier exposure is the one who has chosen to drink and smoke till his lungs burst.

As I slipped into the dream world, I prayed a short prayer and hope that one day when I looked back at my day I will be proud of how I spent my days.

©Joshua Boyede

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Stone is. Rolled Away. (spoken words)

The Stone is Rolled Away

It is a job well done, Jesus finished and said we’re done,
He connected us back to God and gave us hope,
True life he restored, we are free from the rope.

The mission was accomplished in its exact directions and prescriptions.
Step by step nothing was left out.
Perfect timing, perfect place and the result – perfect peace.
At a point he wanted to opt out or put it on hold,
He asked the cup should pass, He dread missing the Father & the fellowship with the Holy Spirit for a moment.
But just as the words passed out, a clause accompanied that neutralize the cup and sealed and delivered him ready.
You see, Jesus has a will but He chose to be behind the wheel as the Father’s will drives Him.
He won, first in the garden,
Strength was released – administered by the Angels.

Aside the betrayal and been sold out by a friend,
Aside His folks preferred a Robber over Him,
Aside the ones who has been with him running & denying Him,
The Holy Spirit also was on a vacation and the Father turn a blind eye on the Son.

It not only seem a sad day, it was an awefull sight.
The Father though could not behold the Son, yet watched helpless, as men merciless, make the Son lifeless.
The Holy Spirit sat still & quiet, hands on His jaw as life was been snapped out of his best ever partner,
Yet, the All-Powerful, All-Knowing, Almighty, the Great Teacher and comforter did nothing.

The Elders, Arch-Angels, Living Beast and other Angels alike all gasp as if they have not seen a Ghost before.
With tight fist, clenched swords, war formation and aggressive anticipation,
The Host and Army of Heaven watch their Captain and Commander-in-Chief being humiliated,
But, He never said the word-not even by mistake or slip of tongue.

Peter hung around the crowd and whispered – ‘free Jesus’, ‘free Jesus’,
But shame and fear would not let the next person notice any other sound except ‘crucify him’.
See even the son of padition could not take it and was deceived to end it with a rope to his neck.

They crowned Him with thorns and laughed him to scorn; He simply ignored them.
They gave the KING of Kings a slap and spat on his face; but anger was never an option.
They beat Him with wipe, tore his skin, gambled with dice for his garment,
Yet He never mind the ice but remain gentle, calm and nice.
He prayed for them, but instead of a resounding Amen,
They pieced His feet, pieced His hands and pieced His side.
They drain His life – His blood all out and spread it all over before the Father.
They took the LORD of Lords and restricted and constrained him by human laws.
They put the creator into one of His least creations and enclosed the Word that created the world in a small world caved of stone.
They rolled the stone against Him, mounted guards and put the Kings signet on it.
An attempt to roll it will be criminal.
They smiled and said; “We won’.

He committed His Spirit to the Father, but it was not the Father that first received him.
He was received as a prisoner of Satan.
You know, that should have been the best day in the dark world.
Every filty spirit, demons and share holders in the dark company was called to a compulsory feast.
The wardens of hell didn’t take Jesus straight to his cell,
They took him to the chief warden and to the feast of the dirty and fallen Angels.

The feast was to properly be kick-started by a slap across Jesus’ face.
But, just as the lame light came on, the devil, his hands raised to seal his authority & begin the feast-
The story line changed; the prisoner was no longer chained and the raised hands held.
Instead, Jesus seal his own victory and dominion and authority as he rain slaps on the devil in physical combat.
The centre stage became the arena. Jesus defeated the devil in a duel and disgraced him before his entire host.
The fallen Angels watched with fear and awe, it was a flawless victory, the devil is dethroned.
Jesus won, He took the keys of death and hell; He set the captives and prisoners free.
And for two more days in the human calendar, the dark world wished Jesus had not died.
And for eternity, Jesus rules forever.

And it was time to return to glory, in Heaven, it was an ecstasy,
The jubilation rock the universe as the sea of people celebrated.

But, wait a second!
Shh! One more step to go – the stone at the tomb.
Unlike Lazarus, Mary alone wouldn’t be able,
There was need for a divine turning of the table,
See I don’t tell you fables.

I can see may Angels clamoring to be appointed for the assignment, but it has to be perfect.
Even the stone recognize its creator, but was working on schedule,
The Angel was assigned, at the sight the soldiers melt away.
They slept to hide,
The stone is rolled aside,
The grave cloth was folded aside,
And Jesus to glory glide,
Jesus arose and told death step aside,
I am no longer doom but alive a new man on Jesus side.
This invitation I extend to you please come inside,
All He ask is that you believe He did it all for you and as you receive Him and Him alone as your saviour and Lord,
You become His Child.

Joshua Boyede
Twitter; @boyedejosh

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Efficacy of prayer

TEXT: JOHN 15:5, Matt 9:37-38
To be effective means to do the right things. On the other hand to be efficient means to do things right. If you are only effective, you may find out that you are doing the right things wrongly. However, if you also know how to do things right, you will know the right answer for each situation. As leaders, we need to both be effective and efficient in everything including prayers which is out focus here.
DEFINITION: Prayer is simply a communication between God and man. It’s the meeting point of divinity and humanity. Prayer is also a time of exchange. We pray to God and him alone.
There are different TYPES of prayer such as thanksgiving (Eph 6:18), confession, intercession, request (Phil 4:6, John 14:14), petition, warfare, plea, praying in tongues (1Cor 14:14) and praise. It is worthy of note that praise is the highest form of prayer. Praise is irresistible in heaven and on earth.
There are some INGREDIENTS that must certainly come before or accompany prayers. These majorly includes; holiness, obedience, faith (Mark 11:17) and love. Also very vital is that we must pray according to the word of God and His will. If any is missing, it may be fatal to our prayer and ourselves 1Peter 3:12.
HOW do I pray? We do not know how, we simple depend on the Holy Spirit to help us. Every born again child of God has been given the Holy Spirit. The fact that you don’t speak in tongues does not mean you don’t have Him Matt 6:9. But without him, we can do noting (John 15:14), the more you pray, the more you know how to pray. Also keep praying till your joy be full (Dan 10:13). There is no POSTURE for pray or definite pattern so you can sit, stand, kneel, lie down, lift your hands, face lifted up, flat on your face etc. just be in tune with the spirit. Acts 9:40; 10:9
Let me mention that prayer also has an ATTITUDE. There is a big difference between complaining, and praying. Also, when you pray, you are not doing God a favour so humble yourself. Don’t come and show God that you are holy or that you know how to pray or that you know how to stay clean etc. don’t try to impress God or even yourself. Pour your heart out (Luke 18:10-14).
To the question of WHEN to pray, we all know it is always. But, how many of us truly pray always? (Colo 4:2, Luke 18:1, 1Thes 5:17)
WHO AND WHAT do we pray for. Everything good needs prayers to remain good and also get better. Everything bad or worse also needs prayers to get better. So pray for yourself, your tomorrow, your ministry, business, career, family and even all extended family. You need to pray for those in authority in your local government, state and federation. You need to pray for the fellowship, the president, the executives, the workers, saved members and unsaved members (Rom10:1). You need to pray for the school, faculties, departments, academic staffs, non-academic staffs, your lecturers and fellow students. You need to pray for the sick, those traveling, missionaries, and the list go on and on. (1Tim 2:1-2)
CATEGORIES of prayer includes but not limited to individual prayer (Colo 4:12, James 5:13-16), the prayer of two, the prayer of three (Ecc 4:12), the elders, the brethren and co-operate prayer (Acts 1:14; 2:42).
Prayer is everything else we would be pushed aside. It is commonly said that a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian. Its worse when we have a prayerless leader. Such kind of leader would make cheap preys for the enemy and has no covering for those been led. If we don’t move God through prayer, God will not move (John 15:5). Prayer grants you access to Gods throne, brings Gods glory and presence (2Chro 30:27, 2Chro 7:12, Dan 9:21), heals (James 4:7; 5:13-18), saves (Acts 4:12), resist the devil, gives direction, prevents temptation or gives you grace (Matt 26:41, Mark 14:38), displace demons (Acts 16:16,18), enforce our victory, set free (Acts 16:25-26), divine intervention, control nature e.g. the weather (James 5:17), open doors, know the will and mind of God, sanctification (1Tim 4:5), service to God (Luke 2:36-38), support ministry (2Cor 1:11), it shows you depend on God, strength (Luke 22:41-44) and encouragement (Psalm 5:3, Phil 1:19), prayer enlist you on the new emerging army.
PRAYERLESSNESS gives you the exert opposite of all mentioned. A leader cannot afford to cease prayer at all times.
Moses prayed and God changed his mind (Exodus 32:9-14, 31-32). If Moses has being quiet, there will be no Israel today.
The brethren prayed and Peter was miraculously released from prison (Acts 12:5,7 & 10). Peter was the rock upon which Christ promised to build His church, what would have happened if they did not pray.
IN CONCLUSION, Jesus prayed (Heb 5:7) and we should follow suit. In Acts 6:4, Peter said the work of a leader is prayers. Hence, not only do we need to pray individual and in other categories, we also need to teach our people how to pray. The prayer of the leader-Moses saved the Children of Israel but when God was angry with him they didn’t pray for him (Deut 4:21) am sure God would have change his mind if they all prayed for Moses. Whereas God was moved in the case of Peter because the brethren prayed. Two things: the first; Teach your people (Eph 6:19, Colo 4:3-4) and secondly, can the President sleep comfortably because he knows you are praying? Be an effective efficient leader even in prayer. Invoke God through prayer.
Boyede Joshua

Friday, January 4, 2013

Afraid and cruel

Afraid and cruel
A time was in the heart of my nation,
My Mum and I can sit on till late on the balcony to eat, tell stories, to mention a few.
Now is a time my Dad, for seven, has declared a curfew.
Every heart in my nation beats hard and fast
ki kim, ki kim, ki kim
So fast you can almost dance to it as though in a praise night.
We are so terified
A touch of a leave unexpected makes us scream
even when you see its just a leave, you still look with suspicion and abandone your ice cream.
funny though, you need this attitude to stay alive
If you doubt me, carry a bookbag and try to tie your shoe lace in front of louis edet's house.
pls post your testimony on facebook if you manage to get back to your house.
And as a shield for the fear, we christen it-security concious.
But, what dazzles me more than the fear is the cruelty.
If its not new bad news, its no news.
Did you see a.I.t's sharon's face? So professionally cruel.
Thanks any way. Bam! The news is all over.
The question is who and where?
If they are not from my region or religion,
I sign, relieved, relaxed and start eating grandnut.
If less than five, non from my family, I shruggle my shoulder and move on,
If more than ten, I express shock, and the shock fades quicker than it came and I move on.
We are in need of forgiveness because we are so afraid yet so cruel.

A Bride as my Mother

A Bride as my Mother
From my boyhood, when I could think for myself, I have love and cherish my Mother.
A thousand and one best mothers, and I think yours was one, voted mine the better Mother
In the group of best Mothers.
Its not because she baths me with detol,
Or feed me with Indomine,
But, its her grace, her love and her warmth.

As a growing man, I thought and thought; I need a bride just like my Mother.
I wish I could ask my Dad how he found this treasure.
Is it going to be of any use? Its probably outdated and embarrassing
Although the priciple is still valid.

Iya mi; My Mother
No matter the reccession, she serve the meal in the right session,
She thinks fast ahead, talk with her mouth, communicate perfectly with signs
And work with her hands.
She is strong and beautiful.
A bride like my mother, where will I find?

In his speeches and through the speakers her praise you hear from my Dad
Her words are thoughtful and sensitive,
Believe it or not, she has never cursed any of her children.
She is always happy and cheerful.
When she laughs we all join in like turkeys.
Am so proud of my mother.

I pray God preserves my mother and let me find a bride just like her. Amen.