Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I'm not going to church because...

I love sundays. Maybe because it's a public holiday. Folks are always peacefully beautiful and its a holy-day.

But I don't go to church because I don't want to go to hell;
We settled that the day I got on my knees and invited Jesus into my heart.
As He stepped in, I didn't offer Him a seat I gave Him the keys to my life, all of them.
We sealed a deal that no matter what happens or what I do He must keep the keys. And we stamped it with His blood;
You are right to say I burnt the bridge when I crossed it and I don't regret it.
So I'm not going to the church to evade hell. I'm already a citizen of Heaven.

This may sound funny, but I'm not going to church because I need blessings too.
Yea, be it unto you according to your faith.
God blessed me with Jesus and the Holy Ghost-what else do I ask for.
I got Jesus, Jesus got everything-what else do I need.
By His stripe, I was healed and can never fall sick again.
He was broke, so now I'm boxed up,
He breath in me and gave me life! Life!
I got the Holy Ghost! The power and ability of God. The creative and creating force plus the anointing.

So what am I doing in church?
I'm here to fellowship with the brethren.
I'm here to get deeper insight into the mind of God.
I'm here that MY Jesus may increase in me.
I'm here that the Power of the Holy Ghost be refined and I'm here in the church that the anointing may double till overflow...

If only you understand Eph 1:17-22; you will never miss service for the right reasons.

Please Quit the ritual. God bless you.


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