Saturday, June 14, 2014

Maturity too

We said (in the previous post) that maturity has three sides; the physical appearance, behavioural and mental (thought) aspect.
It is also worth of note that maturity is inside out and not external hence things such as age, status, titles, confidence, wealth, academic qualifications, marital status, career/business choice, achievements, etc does not necessarily conot maturity on their own although they do influence it.
Like i promised, my findings brought me to seek out the signs that shows immaturity. That means the presence of these factors send a signal to others of our level of maturity or its absence. Here are my results;
1. Self indulgence; when all you want is fun, fun and pleasure. If you want to do it, you just do it-damn the consequences. Forget tomorrow, enjoy all here and now.
2. The 'Can't say no'. To them everything you asked is a yes; Will you eat-yes, will you dance-yes, will you go-yes, will you buy-yes, will you come-yes, yes, yes, yes even when they should have said no.
3. Then we have the 'Men pleaser'; if you find yourself saying-everybody is my friend, then you are here. If you don't want to offend anybody and so you dance to everyone's tune, you are here.
4. Those who want total attention, jealous and envious. They want the whole attention so they get jealous and offended when they are not given the attention by friends and close ones. Then a step further in this level is the envious and covetous; they have two but still want the one in your hand.
5. Then there is the 'Every other person is at fault except me'. They blame life, government, lecturers, roommate, parents, siblings, etc. They even blame the weather, blame the sun, and even God. But never agree they were at fault.
6. Then there those that live base on 'I feel like..' they act on impulse, spend the  allowance meant for a month in the first week of the month, very short tempered and loves to revenge.
7. Then there some who cannot manage time. Always late, always procastinating. Always using the emergency exit, little or no plans or can't stick to plans.
8. then we have those that are imbalanced and thus live a kind of dual lifestyle. They focus on one aspect to the detriment of others. They may seem to be spiritual yet lack character. Or well behaved except that he smokes, etc.
9. The overconfident, proud, the fulfilled and those that feel they have arrived.They never learn again and soon become story tellers because they remain at that spot. I have meet people in their late twenties already saying 'in our days'.
10. The distracted. A distracted soldier is a dead soldier (#The Unit). Whenever you lose focus, you act below your level of maturity.

Here is the interesting part. Each number shows the level of immaturity with number 1 been the worst. Also the first or lowest number you fit into, the more you need to work on your maturity.
So if  i fit into number 2 first, regardless of the other ones i fit into, it then means that  on the scale of 1 - 10, my level of maturity is 2.
You may be defensive like me and not want to agree, but the amazing part is that your level of maturity is open to everyone. It shows from your words and actions.
So i ask the million-dollar question; are you matured? Matured to what level?

Finally, maturity is not a flat rate like 1+1 is always 2. But, it is by level. And whenever you want to become a 'man' simply put away childish behaviour and thoughts and climb the ladder of maturity.

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