Saturday, July 5, 2014

Alone but not lonely

My best moments are usually when i am alone. I love it because when i am alone i can think, write, plan, strategies, study, meditate, make personal discoveries of myself, cook up ideas, examine my life, and so on. In short, whatever is seen in the public view is mostly traceable to when i am alone.

Though i am not a loner and i truly enjoy people's company, i very often long to be alone and even conciously seek to be alone. When i get the chance, i can stay as long as possible without feeling lonely.
That is true because one only become lonely when such a person becomes sad because one has no friends or companions.

Also some persons can't seem to control having negative thoughts and acts when they are alone, and so they get noisy from morning till when they sleep off. But, if they would understand that they have control of what they think and do when they are alone, it will go a long way to help them become better persons in both their private and public life.

The difference is that i enjoy my own company. I agree that negative thoughts and temptations may come, but, its for me to decide to think/act on them.

Also, apart from loneliness, another negative aspect of been alone is the temptation to become a loner. That means you continuously separate yourself and even aviod people. The danger of becoming a loner is that you are more vulnerable. You also cannot function at your best in life because no man is an island.
Therefore, when you realize you are losing it, talking all day, or you want to move at a super speed-be alone. When its time to flow or work with people, get out and do just that.

Finally, the times when you are alone are critical moments in your life, but don't remain there and become sad, and don't be a loner by avoiding people. Simply maximize your moments alone and use it for the good of the whole world.

God bless you real good.

Connect: <a href="">@joshuaboyede</a>

Monday, June 23, 2014

Rules of Life-Bill Gates

Rules of Life

In a speech to a high school, 2002, Bill Gates dished out eleven things they would not learn in school. The Microsoft boss talked about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation with no concept of reality, setting them up for possible failure in the real world.

Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it. 

Rule 2:: The world won't care about your self-esteem. It will expect you to  accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3: You will NOT make $40,000 a year right out of high school. You won't  be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. 
Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a  different word for burger flipping ..they called it opportunity. 

Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about  your mistakes ... learn from them. 

Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are  now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and  listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rain> forest from the parasites of your parents' generation, try delousing the closet  in your own room. 

Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers ... but life  has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades and they'll give  you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the  slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life. 

Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very  few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time. 

Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the  coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

If life is a journey...

If life is a journey and i am on the road, what kind of automobile will i be? A regular bike, a power bike, a tri-cycle, a low grade car, an excutive car, a sport car, a space bus, a sixteen seater bus, an eighteen seater bus, a  luxurious bus, a small truck, a big long heavy duty truck, a tanker, a van?

What if i am not the automobile but inside the whatever automobile? Would i be the rider/driver or a passenger? If i am the passenger or i am the driver, where am i heading?

What if i am just a package inside the automobile? How big would i be? How is my packaging? Where, when, how?

I hope i have not made a wrong turn? I hope i have all my papers and particulars intact?

I hope i will reach the next fueling station before this one runs out?

What if, i hope, what if, i hope....hhmmmm

Life got a lot of questions, and i wish to get answers.

But one thing i know, whatever it is, its going to end good. Don't ask me how-i just know.

Actions speak...

Your actions speak so loud people can barely hear what you are saying.

Your actions betray your personality by presenting the real person.

Personality is the person you present for others to see while your person is your character and habits.

Put yourself in order from the inside out and even your reflex action would be in order.

One action can mess up a lot of things. And one action can make a life time positive difference.

Match your words with corresponding positive actions.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Maturity too

We said (in the previous post) that maturity has three sides; the physical appearance, behavioural and mental (thought) aspect.
It is also worth of note that maturity is inside out and not external hence things such as age, status, titles, confidence, wealth, academic qualifications, marital status, career/business choice, achievements, etc does not necessarily conot maturity on their own although they do influence it.
Like i promised, my findings brought me to seek out the signs that shows immaturity. That means the presence of these factors send a signal to others of our level of maturity or its absence. Here are my results;
1. Self indulgence; when all you want is fun, fun and pleasure. If you want to do it, you just do it-damn the consequences. Forget tomorrow, enjoy all here and now.
2. The 'Can't say no'. To them everything you asked is a yes; Will you eat-yes, will you dance-yes, will you go-yes, will you buy-yes, will you come-yes, yes, yes, yes even when they should have said no.
3. Then we have the 'Men pleaser'; if you find yourself saying-everybody is my friend, then you are here. If you don't want to offend anybody and so you dance to everyone's tune, you are here.
4. Those who want total attention, jealous and envious. They want the whole attention so they get jealous and offended when they are not given the attention by friends and close ones. Then a step further in this level is the envious and covetous; they have two but still want the one in your hand.
5. Then there is the 'Every other person is at fault except me'. They blame life, government, lecturers, roommate, parents, siblings, etc. They even blame the weather, blame the sun, and even God. But never agree they were at fault.
6. Then there those that live base on 'I feel like..' they act on impulse, spend the  allowance meant for a month in the first week of the month, very short tempered and loves to revenge.
7. Then there some who cannot manage time. Always late, always procastinating. Always using the emergency exit, little or no plans or can't stick to plans.
8. then we have those that are imbalanced and thus live a kind of dual lifestyle. They focus on one aspect to the detriment of others. They may seem to be spiritual yet lack character. Or well behaved except that he smokes, etc.
9. The overconfident, proud, the fulfilled and those that feel they have arrived.They never learn again and soon become story tellers because they remain at that spot. I have meet people in their late twenties already saying 'in our days'.
10. The distracted. A distracted soldier is a dead soldier (#The Unit). Whenever you lose focus, you act below your level of maturity.

Here is the interesting part. Each number shows the level of immaturity with number 1 been the worst. Also the first or lowest number you fit into, the more you need to work on your maturity.
So if  i fit into number 2 first, regardless of the other ones i fit into, it then means that  on the scale of 1 - 10, my level of maturity is 2.
You may be defensive like me and not want to agree, but the amazing part is that your level of maturity is open to everyone. It shows from your words and actions.
So i ask the million-dollar question; are you matured? Matured to what level?

Finally, maturity is not a flat rate like 1+1 is always 2. But, it is by level. And whenever you want to become a 'man' simply put away childish behaviour and thoughts and climb the ladder of maturity.


Maturity 1
I am yet to meet anybody who admit that they are not mature yet i see and hear a lot of people act that way. So i ask myself; Am i matured? what if i am not matured? What if i am not matured enough? To answer these i made some findings:
To be mature means to be 'fully developed', grown up in terms of physical appearance, behaviour or thinking (English Dictionary on Andriod)

To fully develop in physically appearance seems to be the easiest.  That doesn't mean its easy considering working with balanced diet, exercise, junk food, de-worming, etc. But compare to others, it is the easiest.

Then to be fully developed in behaviour-that's the bigger one. This entails what you do when you are alone, with friends, in public, before guests, etc. It also include your manners, courtesy, etiquette, language usage, character, habits, addictions, anger management, etc. A lot of people judge maturity with this one. I must confess, it is difficult to keep up, but you decide whether to keep up or step down to immaturity.

Then the biggest -fully developed in thinking. Most people act on impulse almost althrough their life. They buy on impulse, talk on impulse, eat on impulse, date a person on impulse, sleep on impulse, dance on impulse, pick a career or business on impulse, get married on impulse, have children on impulse, and to them death equally picks on impulse. But, there is a maturity that flows from your thinking. And this one control every other.
This is because, as a man think, so is he.

Back to my question; am i matured? Well i was a little defensive, so i made more findings on the opposite of maturity and what it means not to be matured. (Continue on next blog post).


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The truth v. The fact

Whenever people look at me and say; "let me tell you the truth", i simply get ready to hear the fact(s) as they perceived it to be.

Facts are knownings gotten by the reception of information about a state of affair(s) by at least one of our sense organs. Hence, they are subjective to the person receiving the information. They are the person's conclusion base on what they know.

The truth on the other hand is not so hard to discribe but not easily reached. For anything to be the truth, It must be the same at every time, everywhere, and in all situations or circumstances.

That is why people say something they initially call the truth and had to change that 'truth' to another truth with the awareness of a new information.
If it were the truth, it won't change an inch.

So, the world we are in is surrounded by facts as people perceive them to be.

Don't let the facts you and/others perceive limit you. Be the best and the best alone.

The truth on the other hand is not a state of affairs as many thought, but, a personality. Find out the truth from the word of God and let nothing stop you.

See you at the top.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Heartthrob [poem]

Heartthrob [poem]

Dear Heartthrob

It took me sometime to figure this out,

But now I know.

I have all it takes to be the perfect guy

All from the day I was born,

But I did not start from the end,

Because not every space was open from the first.


My heart opens gradually to allow me communicate, study maths, philosophy, law, etc.


Right now, its open to development.

When my heart opens up to you,

I will find you,


You will find me.


Ipade wa doyin.

Soon to be yours.
