Saturday, July 5, 2014

Alone but not lonely

My best moments are usually when i am alone. I love it because when i am alone i can think, write, plan, strategies, study, meditate, make personal discoveries of myself, cook up ideas, examine my life, and so on. In short, whatever is seen in the public view is mostly traceable to when i am alone.

Though i am not a loner and i truly enjoy people's company, i very often long to be alone and even conciously seek to be alone. When i get the chance, i can stay as long as possible without feeling lonely.
That is true because one only become lonely when such a person becomes sad because one has no friends or companions.

Also some persons can't seem to control having negative thoughts and acts when they are alone, and so they get noisy from morning till when they sleep off. But, if they would understand that they have control of what they think and do when they are alone, it will go a long way to help them become better persons in both their private and public life.

The difference is that i enjoy my own company. I agree that negative thoughts and temptations may come, but, its for me to decide to think/act on them.

Also, apart from loneliness, another negative aspect of been alone is the temptation to become a loner. That means you continuously separate yourself and even aviod people. The danger of becoming a loner is that you are more vulnerable. You also cannot function at your best in life because no man is an island.
Therefore, when you realize you are losing it, talking all day, or you want to move at a super speed-be alone. When its time to flow or work with people, get out and do just that.

Finally, the times when you are alone are critical moments in your life, but don't remain there and become sad, and don't be a loner by avoiding people. Simply maximize your moments alone and use it for the good of the whole world.

God bless you real good.

Connect: <a href="">@joshuaboyede</a>