Monday, April 22, 2013

The Stone is. Rolled Away. (spoken words)

The Stone is Rolled Away

It is a job well done, Jesus finished and said we’re done,
He connected us back to God and gave us hope,
True life he restored, we are free from the rope.

The mission was accomplished in its exact directions and prescriptions.
Step by step nothing was left out.
Perfect timing, perfect place and the result – perfect peace.
At a point he wanted to opt out or put it on hold,
He asked the cup should pass, He dread missing the Father & the fellowship with the Holy Spirit for a moment.
But just as the words passed out, a clause accompanied that neutralize the cup and sealed and delivered him ready.
You see, Jesus has a will but He chose to be behind the wheel as the Father’s will drives Him.
He won, first in the garden,
Strength was released – administered by the Angels.

Aside the betrayal and been sold out by a friend,
Aside His folks preferred a Robber over Him,
Aside the ones who has been with him running & denying Him,
The Holy Spirit also was on a vacation and the Father turn a blind eye on the Son.

It not only seem a sad day, it was an awefull sight.
The Father though could not behold the Son, yet watched helpless, as men merciless, make the Son lifeless.
The Holy Spirit sat still & quiet, hands on His jaw as life was been snapped out of his best ever partner,
Yet, the All-Powerful, All-Knowing, Almighty, the Great Teacher and comforter did nothing.

The Elders, Arch-Angels, Living Beast and other Angels alike all gasp as if they have not seen a Ghost before.
With tight fist, clenched swords, war formation and aggressive anticipation,
The Host and Army of Heaven watch their Captain and Commander-in-Chief being humiliated,
But, He never said the word-not even by mistake or slip of tongue.

Peter hung around the crowd and whispered – ‘free Jesus’, ‘free Jesus’,
But shame and fear would not let the next person notice any other sound except ‘crucify him’.
See even the son of padition could not take it and was deceived to end it with a rope to his neck.

They crowned Him with thorns and laughed him to scorn; He simply ignored them.
They gave the KING of Kings a slap and spat on his face; but anger was never an option.
They beat Him with wipe, tore his skin, gambled with dice for his garment,
Yet He never mind the ice but remain gentle, calm and nice.
He prayed for them, but instead of a resounding Amen,
They pieced His feet, pieced His hands and pieced His side.
They drain His life – His blood all out and spread it all over before the Father.
They took the LORD of Lords and restricted and constrained him by human laws.
They put the creator into one of His least creations and enclosed the Word that created the world in a small world caved of stone.
They rolled the stone against Him, mounted guards and put the Kings signet on it.
An attempt to roll it will be criminal.
They smiled and said; “We won’.

He committed His Spirit to the Father, but it was not the Father that first received him.
He was received as a prisoner of Satan.
You know, that should have been the best day in the dark world.
Every filty spirit, demons and share holders in the dark company was called to a compulsory feast.
The wardens of hell didn’t take Jesus straight to his cell,
They took him to the chief warden and to the feast of the dirty and fallen Angels.

The feast was to properly be kick-started by a slap across Jesus’ face.
But, just as the lame light came on, the devil, his hands raised to seal his authority & begin the feast-
The story line changed; the prisoner was no longer chained and the raised hands held.
Instead, Jesus seal his own victory and dominion and authority as he rain slaps on the devil in physical combat.
The centre stage became the arena. Jesus defeated the devil in a duel and disgraced him before his entire host.
The fallen Angels watched with fear and awe, it was a flawless victory, the devil is dethroned.
Jesus won, He took the keys of death and hell; He set the captives and prisoners free.
And for two more days in the human calendar, the dark world wished Jesus had not died.
And for eternity, Jesus rules forever.

And it was time to return to glory, in Heaven, it was an ecstasy,
The jubilation rock the universe as the sea of people celebrated.

But, wait a second!
Shh! One more step to go – the stone at the tomb.
Unlike Lazarus, Mary alone wouldn’t be able,
There was need for a divine turning of the table,
See I don’t tell you fables.

I can see may Angels clamoring to be appointed for the assignment, but it has to be perfect.
Even the stone recognize its creator, but was working on schedule,
The Angel was assigned, at the sight the soldiers melt away.
They slept to hide,
The stone is rolled aside,
The grave cloth was folded aside,
And Jesus to glory glide,
Jesus arose and told death step aside,
I am no longer doom but alive a new man on Jesus side.
This invitation I extend to you please come inside,
All He ask is that you believe He did it all for you and as you receive Him and Him alone as your saviour and Lord,
You become His Child.

Joshua Boyede
Twitter; @boyedejosh